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Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.” ~ B.K. S Iyengar

Teaching Style.
Ashtanga Yoga is 99% practical, one % theory. ~ Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

I have taught around the world, most recently living and working in Mumbai for studios "The Movement Sanctuary" & "The Yoga House". Goa for Retreat centres "Devarya Wellness" as resident teacher and host of my own Retreats, Cyprus & Sardinia hosting my own retreats and Teaching for the Luxuary Collection Hotels "The Romanzino" "The Calledevolpe" & Sri Lanka & predominantly based in London teaching for studios: More Yoga, The Yoga Loft & Third Space.
My classes aim to energise one's body and mind through the synchronisation of graceful movement and breath. To dance through, glide through and occasionally laugh through postures whilst releasing built up tensions and stresses in our bodies and minds, with a smile on our face and humour in our hearts.
For me yoga is not just a work out but working on ourselves:
”Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
It is about accessing joy, to take ourselves out of our heads. My classes aim to encourage us all to see beyond our thoughts that we get so wrapped up in regarding ourselves and our life situations, and like a good sense of humour, throw some light on us.
Mindful adjustments are practised during my classes for those who wish them, guiding your body into the proper alignment for each posture, deepening your practise- flexibility- strength and tolerance towards each posture.
Beyond the physical, my verbal direction in classes also aims to bring us all back into the present, to control our thoughts, reconnect with ourselves, breathe and let go of that which doesnt serve us.
“Submit to a daily practice. Your loyalty to that is a ring at the door. Keep knocking, and eventually the joy inside will look out to see who is there... Practise and all is coming.”
~ Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
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